Sunday, October 6, 2013

On deciding to watch movies you've put off for a reason...

I convinced myself I wouldn't. Certainly not; I'd known it was coming before I even started watching The Next Generation, even before I knew who the characters really were. I'd known it was coming, so I could prepare myself and just be all, "Oop. There it was. It happened. Let's move on now."

But no.
Never have I been so wrong.

And only one other time, (maybe two if you count Marley & Me), have I cried harder because of a movie or television show.

God. Dammit.

(Side note: How the hell is Janeway, of all people, an admiral by this point but Picard isn't? What kind of horseshit is this? He better have been put up for promotion but turned it down. Because if she got a promotion but Jean-Luc Picard didn't...there's something seriously wrong in the universe.)