Wednesday, December 4, 2013

P.I.E. #2: Why Clara Oswald is the worst (modern) Doctor Who companion.

Welcome to the second installment of Pointlessly In-Depth Examinations, which Clinton suggested I abbreviate to "PIE" because he is far more clever than I.

You should have guessed it would only be a matter of time before I tackled something Doctor Who-related in this fashion. It was between this and everything that was wrong with the 50th Anniversary special, but I honestly still enjoyed The Day of the Doctor, numerous problems aside. I do not, however, enjoy Clara in any way, shape, or form. I'm actually listening to my playlist of MLP songs while I write to make sure I stay relatively calm.


So after Amy & Rory depart from the series, in a supposed-to-be-sad-but-is-still-only-marginally-so mid-season finale, we are introduced to Clara Oswald in Victorian-era London.

Well, that's not entirely true. We meet her in Asylum of the Daleks, which takes place in the far future, where she's a crew member of the Starship Alaska that "survived" crashing onto the Dalek Asylum planet. And then she dies. And then also dies in Victorian London while helping the Doctor do his Doctor-y thing.
Even though the Doctor never saw her face in Asylum, we as the audience know that it's the same chick, which the Doctor figures out by the end of The Snowmen. So to Steven Moffat's credit, Clara actually starts out with some serious potential; she's shown up twice, in completely different eras of time, and died both times. What's up with that? 

So The Doctor goes on a hunt for her, determined to figure out what "the impossible girl"'s deal is. He finds her again in present-day London, because of course he does, because every modern, long-term companion is from modern London, modern being anywhere from 2005-2013, depending on when the episode aired. And then they go on grand adventures together, because obviously you should go off to see the universe with the dude who you don't even know who camped out outside of your house for an entire day until you finally decide to talk to him. Definitely a reasonable decision. 

But here's the problem with Clara: she's a boring as balls character. She fits perfectly into the character archetype of "manic pixie dream girl", which is basically an adorable, quirky girl character who has no real depth other than being quirky and adorable. They exist to be quirky and adorable, and they don't need any personality beyond that. They are written for straight men by straight men, and straight men, (accepting one friend of mine who is female and extremely easy to please, entertainment-wise), are the only people I've spoken to who actually like and try to defend Clara. They exist to have someone men wish their wives and girlfriends could be like, in a way that's more "realistic" than supermodel and/or movie star. And those men are typically not supermodels themselves; they are the more "nerdy" crowd, who probably intuitively know they'll never land a supermodel, so an adorable and quirky girl seems more reasonable. For info on what makes MPDGs so boring and terrible, I invite you to read this article, written by a much more talented and eloquent writer than I: I Was a Manic Pixie Dream Girl, by Laurie Penny

In fact, when I see people defend Clara, the defense I see the most is, "But she's hot!". Okay, yes, Jenna Coleman is a very good-looking young lady, but damnit, that just shows your hideous sexism without any type of guise; you're basically admitting you like her because you might like to possibly have sex with her. This does not make her an engaging or interesting character, and for those of us who actually like to care about the "people" we watch on TV, being hot isn't enough. You have to be believable. You have to have flaws. Clara is not believable, and she has no flaws. 

No, really, she doesn't. Think about it: when in the course of the series so far has Clara ever been wrong? Made a mistake? Been bad at something? Okay, she sucks at making souffles. But beyond that, give me one single, concrete example of Clara being definitively wrong or bad at what she was doing. I suspect you are having difficulty. 

In addition to being a manic pixie dream girl, Clara is also a Mary-Sue. To those who don't know, a Mary-Sue is a character who has little to no flaws. They are perfect at everything, (In fanfiction, it also usually involves self-insertion, but not always: Definition of Mary Sue, via Wikipedia). Don't believe me? Let's look at it episode by episode:

In Asylum, she hacks the entire prison-planet with ease, despite being a prisoner herself. And also a Dalek. 
In The Snowmen, her bartender boss adores her and doesn't want her to leave. Her boss as a governess adores her, (in more way than one), and thinks she is far better at the whole parenting thing than he is. The kids she's a nanny for adore her as if she were their own mother. She's the one who pulls the Doctor out of his shlump after Amy and Rory's departure, (because in his 1100-ish years of life, in everything he's seen and all the friends and family he's had to say goodbye to, the "loss" of those two people was definitely all it took for him to become a grumpy, mopey, unattached hermit). Her death is ultimately what solves the whole episode's plot, because it makes it rain, which melts the death-snow. Even in death, she fixes everything. 
In The Bells of Saint John, she suddenly becomes amazing with computers, (though the Doctor does claim this is from her being "uploaded"), and manages to come up with a plan to find where they need to go that not even the Doctor could have come up with, despite his centuries of experience with computers, many far more advanced than a 21st century laptop. 
In The Rings of Akhaten, she's the one who convinces Mary that she does need to sing her song, and more importantly, it's her sacrifice of "the most important leaf in the world" that keeps "Grandfather" as bay, not the Doctor offering up his centuries of life, loss, and experiences. 
In Cold War, Clara is decided to be the only one who can actually talk to the Ice Warrior, Grand Marshal Skaldak. At the end, when Skaldak is about to blow the whole planet to bits, the Doctor helps, but it's primarily Clara asking him why he showed mercy once but not now, (and also reminding him of his daughter), that convinces him. 
In Hide, despite the fact that both the Doctor and the TARDIS insist that going into a pocket universe would kill the TARDIS's engines, Clara annoys the sentient machine enough that she is allowed entry and manages to fly into the pocket universe the Doctor is trapped in to save him. And everyone is fine. They even do it again, just to show how wrong the Doctor apparently was. Because why the fuck not? (And another thing: if the TARDIS can just fly itself where ever it wants to go whenever the Doctor's friends annoy and bother it enough, why didn't it just fly Rose back to him in The Parting of the Ways? She went through a shit ton more effort than Clara's simple chastising, and still had to break the damn console open to accomplish her goal).
In Journey to the Center of the TARDIS, Clara's concept of "big happy button" is ultimately what fixes everything, including her burning herself on said happy button, so that the Doctor in the future sees the message burnt onto her palm. Yeah, I know it's nonsense. I swear it used to be entertaining nonsense. Also, she finds the TARDIS library, where there just so happens to be a book on the history of the Time War laying out on a pedestal, and she just so happens to open right to the page with the Doctor's real name on it, something only the Doctor and River Song know. Because of course she does
In The Crimson Horror, it's Clara pointing out the the chimney doesn't produce any smoke that leads the crew to discover the full extent of Mrs. Gillyflower's plans. She's also the one who smashes Gillyflower's machine with a chair, after the Doctor offers his for-once-insufficient sonic screwdriver. 
In Nightmare in Silver, she is suddenly an awesome commander and planner, though we have never seen any previous evidence of this. She commands a group of troops and deals with the Doctor and his temporary split-personality, and actually basically runs the whole show while the Doctor is busy playing chess with himself. 
In The Name of the Doctor, she jumps into his timeline to save his life and keep the Great Intelligence from succeeding in his glorious grudge-match, thereby pissing anyone who is also a fan of the old series off by suggesting that it was Clara who first told the Doctor and Susan which TARDIS to take. Because of course she did

And most irritatingly of all, she ruins what could have been an amazing message in the 50th Anniversary special because she doesn't like what's happening.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find a screencap of her boo-hoo face, but suffice it to say, when the War, 10th, and 11th Doctors have all three of their hands over the Gonna-Blow-Everything-Up button--basically the Doctor confirming to himself thrice over that he did not, in fact, have a choice in the Time War, and did, in fact, have to do it--Clara starts crying. Bad Wolfy Rosey person then decides this is definitely the best time to show them all an image of the people on Gallifrey, and Clara indignantly declares, "These are the people you're going to kill?"
Me, as an audience member, wanted to scream, "Yes! They are! Because if he doesn't, the Time Lords and Dalek may very well destroy the whole universe! To protect the whole of the universe and all of its future and all of its past, he has to sacrifice his own people. It's a strong, important message, damnit! Shut up and stop ruining it!"
But no. She ruins it. Because she basically says, "I don't like this, I'm gonna cry about it now. You need to fix it like you always fix it," and 11 is so damned whipped by her bullshit, that he immediately churns out some nonsense, convoluted plan to save the planet with the help of War, Ten, and every other one of his regenerations, (which is so not even a little bit well-enough explained), thereby erasing the emotional trauma that has built the Doctor's character up to where it currently is. So thanks to Clara, the whole back story of the entire rebooted series is now gone. Gallifrey and the Time Lords weren't destroyed, J/K LOL. Nevermind all the time the Doctor spent grappling with his guilt and the effect it had on his life and his decisions and his development as a character; that is all nullified by Gallifrey's survival, (more on this; excellent read). And Gallifrey fell no more because Clara cried. What...the fuck. 

The last time someone was this important to the Doctor's survival--because seriously, he'd be dead like at least seven times if not for Clara's always-being-right thing--it was a big fucking deal. Donna Noble was the most important woman in the universe, because she's the one who told the Doctor to stop. Had she not, he'd have died and the UK would have fallen to shit. Her one decision had an immense weight, and she almost couldn't grapple with this fact when it was revealed to her. But Clara does basically the same thing like eight fucking times like it's no big thing. And apparently it really isn't a big deal, because not even the Doctor ever says anything about it. 

She solves everything. Clara always fixes everything. She's perfect. And you know what? Perfect characters suck. It's Superman-syndrome; if you are practically perfect in every way, you are boring to watch because there is no drama. There is nothing at stake, because no matter what happens, you're going to fix it. You're always going to make the right decision and the right decision is almost never going to have any serious consequences. It makes things that are supposed to be dramatic seem stupid, because what's the point? If you're just going to have your MPDG magically fix everything with her whimsical ways, tell me honestly: what is the point

And this is why I wouldn't care if 11 died and the first thing 12 did was stab Clara in the face. Because since she has no personality, no depth, no flaws, I just straight-up don't care about her, one way or the other. Whether she leaves by violent death or just by waving goodbye and walking away, I won't care. I'll just mumble a quick "good riddance" and just wait for the show to either pick back up, or find more new and exciting ways to disappoint me. 


  1. yes!! finally !! I knew it! Clara is the classical mary sue , no flaws, everybody surrenders to her , even the Daleks I mean WTF??

  2. Now I really want 12 to stab Clara when series 8 starts.

  3. Thank you for the PIE. It was delicious.

    Also, the fact that her expression remains the same (wide-eyed and "perfect") most of the time bothers me. Even girls who are completely focused on being pretty all the time occasionally flex the muscles on their skull. This would be appropriate, for instance, when being chased by zombies in a broken TARDIS.... But no, MPDGs must always look hot and competent and wrinkle-free.

    If she didn't TRY SO HARD to be "cute" maybe the MPDG syndrome wouldn't seem so bad.

    For comparison's sake:
    A previously well-loved character, Captain Jack, was constantly trying to impress, but he did it without the "Disney charm". He had flaws. He didn't always save the day. Some people were not impressed. Everyone thought he was "hot", but he was also fun BECAUSE he could laugh at himself and not just others.

    1. ^^^ (I should have said Mary Sue Syndrome but I liked the sound of the other acronym better... It sounds more deadly.)

    2. I'd consider her abusive and slapping the doctor around as a flaw, but I think those episodes came after this was written.

  4. My biggest issue too is if people liked Martha it was only because she was cute (and from what I have seen generally people had a spasm about that) NOW some people feel Clara cute and it's OK. Clara is just pushed way to hard to be awesome and the reason the Doctor can fight again *eye roll*

  5. Yes! Thank you!
    I really dislike her character, she is just too perfect yet bland. For god's sake, she can even ride a motorcycle! I miss Donna and how she wasn't infatuated with the Doctor. I don't know if Moffat is trying to create another Rose/love interest and trying to top Rose by making her flawless, but he is absolutely failing.
    Perhaps this is the point, to make her perfect for the Doctor, maybe she isn't real??

  6. fingers crossed she ends up being a robot and someone pulls her plug...

  7. My favorite part of the 8th series, was when the Doctor told her to go to hell... too bad that wasn't how they ended.

  8. YES!!!! And she's STILL friggin' here. *cries* I had hoped that Capaldi's doctor would refuse to always let her be the smarmy, smug, perfect little quirky clever girl, but of course not. Then they get our hopes up by saying she's going to leave. They even make it LOOK like it. But no. It was a cruel Christmas prank.

    @Mari - right? I was so proud of the doctor! And then... bah!

  9. srsly the straight males part was so feminazi I lost all hope for humanity, and yes I am a woman myself. besides that i agree with your views on Clara

    1. Um...Can't say I was intending it to be feminist or "feminazi" at all; I was reiterating points and descriptions of the origins of the character archetype as told by the actress who wrote the "I Was a Manic Pixie Dream Girl" article I linked to. I'm sorry that saying that it's a character intended to appeal to straight men is somehow upsetting to you. I guess take it up with that other author?

    2. Correction, she isn't an actress. I wrote this almost two years ago, and I had to re-read said article to confirm.
      Again, it's just kind of a fact of the entertainment industry, which is surely a talking point in discussions about sexism and feminism, but not what I was trying to convey. Steven Moffat is a heterosexual man, and the character he has created for mass consumption has, as far as I personally have seen, appealed primarily to other heterosexual men, though not all of them buy in to the nonsense that is Clara Oswald. The women in rebooted Doctor Who who were some of the more rounded characters with real personalities, (most notably Donna), were created by a homosexual man. I don't mean to point it out in any kind of aggressive, finger-waving way. It's just a trope that just kind Which is, to me, unfortunate, though others are welcome to disagree.

      If you want a much more appropriate source for loss of faith in humanity, I invite you to peruse Tumblr.

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  10. I'm actually watching Season 8 now. Is it bad that I want to punch her already and it's not even the start of the show :(

  11. FINALLY. I haven't really liked her since the 50th at all... she was fine until she said "these are the people you're gonna burn?"
    That is the most selfish, whiny, piece of **** thing you could say to your friend who has spent centuries trying so hard to recover from war.

    That and everything she cooked up in Series 8 really made my blood boil(most notably the finale). I hope this season will be better.

  12. She is the most irritating, smug, self-satisfied and domineering character. An embarrassing over-kill attempt to level the gender stereo-types and give her the testosterone and make the Dr a dithering, uncertain brow-beaten role. Its not how it works, you mess with something enough and its no longer recognisable or enjoyable.

    BBC diversity/equality is gouged into the modern Dr Who marque but the extent theyve 'levelled up' the females to be domineering and patronising has been a mistake.

  13. Finally someone says what I've been thinking about Clara for the longest time in this series. Doctor Who should never have had her as a companion she literally just spits in every companions face about them being an integral part of how he is grown into the old man that he is now and I bet if you seen the latest series of where she finally dies Clara I mean you would be so pissed cuz I know I'm not the only one who is! I mean she got a better ending then rose then Donna who deserve a lot more and even a me! It just space in all the faces of the great companions the doctor has ever had I mean she gets better and then then Sarah Jane Smith! Are you kidding me Clara really? It is so unfair and I really believe Moffat had a crush on the actress because she is the blandest character I have ever seen in the Doctor Who series

  14. Finally someone says what I've been thinking about Clara for the longest time in this series. Doctor Who should never have had her as a companion she literally just spits in every companions face about them being an integral part of how he is grown into the old man that he is now and I bet if you seen the latest series of where she finally dies Clara I mean you would be so pissed cuz I know I'm not the only one who is! I mean she got a better ending then rose then Donna who deserve a lot more and even a me! It just space in all the faces of the great companions the doctor has ever had I mean she gets better and then then Sarah Jane Smith! Are you kidding me Clara really? It is so unfair and I really believe Moffat had a crush on the actress because she is the blandest character I have ever seen in the Doctor Who series

  15. I know right! Besides being just down right annoyed with her sometimes, she really wasn't too much of a problem for me until 50th anniversary.That was it, that was the moment, where I just wanted to stop. Just stop watching until clara was gone and they got a new companion.

  16. I totally agree she is a Mary Sue Through and Through, Can't stand her!

  17. She seemed a totally selfish character. She made everything about her. Which would have been okay if the other characters had reacted to this normally but they all adored her even if she was being downright rude, bitchy, patronizing or self centered.

    1. Amen. All true, she is so patronizing. That is what it is about her I don't like.

    2. Nailed it!! I love a strong female character but it's this "I have to keep this stupid male in line" attitude that I hate.

  18. My whole family hates Clara. The only Mary Sue we hate more is Rae from the Force Awakens. I was trying to figure out why I hated Rae so much and then I realized - because she is just Clara in Star Wars. And it all made sense

  19. As much as I criticized Rose Tyler in the past of being way TOO FLAWED, I'd take a flawed character like Rose any day over a "perfect" goody two-shoes like Clara any day.

    1. And too add to my comment...

      I am NOT in either way criticizing Jenna Coleman or her performance as Clara, she did a fine job with what she had to work with. I 100% put the blame on Stephen Moffat.

  20. GOODBYE , don't let the door hit you on the way out! She was awful. We completely stopped caring and watching because of her. I have reservations about Capaldi as well, but maybe now that the Mary Sue Albatross is gone we can see him in a better light. Just awful..awful thank goodness she is gone.. TY

    1. Yea, but it's still Moffat writing and now he's got a female doctor, which I think would be a great idea if some other writer was doing it, but in his hands I think there's going to be plenty of "Men are stupid and should be slapped" message being sent out.

  21. Yes, exactly. She is to perfect. Only flaws can make her more realistic. Because the actress is probably a very nice person and the writers had good intentions I won´t say I hate her. But for me she is my least favorite companion.

  22. Your name of the doctor point was spot on. That scene made me cringe and scream. Like first of all the first doctor would not have been like, "K RANDOM GIRL I DON'T KNOW...I BELIEVE YOU!" HE would acutaly be like, "I don't care what you say!" He would have not trusted her as seen in the first two or 3 stories.

  23. I'm i the only one that in "The Witch's Familiar" was wanting the doctor to kill her. Cause she is so annoying. I liked her The snowman but after that she was so annoying. I have never seen a love story as annoying as Clara's and Danny's. They give her way to much attention in the show. Also the episodes where there are kids that she either teaches or is watching its so annoying. Example."In the Forest of the Night " not only was the plot dumb they had it focused on one kid. Who had this really stupid power. Also her running around the forest waving her hands around is dumb. And i was so mad in the Day of the docter. It was good i'll admit intel that ending where she cries and saves the world. I also hate it for the doctor cause you would usually feel bad for him. Him knowing that he ended up kiling his race.Now its like no fuck you fans. What you don't like this then screw you. Im pretty sure thats how writting the episode was. And yes i always wanted him to be able to see his planet again( I can't remember if he has family) and i was always wanting him be able to go back. Even if it was back in time and he help somehow. But not like this. This is one of the shittiest ways you could ruin a backstory. And a fandom. I honestly feel sad for Peter Capaldi. People are probally gonna look back at this season and not remember anything good about it. Peter Capaldi is a good actor i just wish he could have gotten a better companion

  24. I needed to read this, I watch Dr. Who with my teenage daughter and I just can't stand Clara. Now I am on the 12th doctor and still she is there. Her perky perfectness is vomit inducing and I agree that her persona has taken any suspense from the show. I am trying to give Peter Capaldi a chance and with Clara as his side kick, I don't think he has a chance in my eyes. I grew to like Rose, loved Amy and Donna right from the start. Clara NEEDS to GO. One thing that really irritates me about Clara other than her perfect perky act, is the fact that she is so full of herself and over-confident. In episode #2 in 12th doctor series, she has become so arrogant and approaches a new teacher for a drink and can't believe when he says "no!" Because EVERYONE would want to have a drink with her. No one would ask someone on a date and be that audaciously confident. Gawd, I could go on and on, just can't stand her and can't wait for the next companion and new regenerated Doctor. Though I will keep attempting to give Capaldi a chance since I am in only 2 episodes.

  25. You are so right, seriously she is the worse, I keep waiting for her to finally BE GONE but she just keeps coming back, she honestly ruined the last two seasons for me I can't believe they're bringing her back again it's just the worse

  26. She ended up with her own Tardis and turned out to be the most influential person in the DW mythology.

    How does the next companion follow that?

    1. Wow, I can't believe people still find this...It's over three years old.

      Anywho. They can follow that by actually having a personality and flaws like an actual person. Accomplishments mean little when the character is so poorly fleshed out. For me, it only makes such a thing like her getting her own TARDIS, (which I didn't know, as I have not watched nor particularly care to watch season 9 and whatever follows), worse, because she's a bland, "perfect" character, yet everything goes her way and all the time, and then some. Maybe there's some brief conflict or problem in the middle of the story, but it all always works out, which just sucks any suspense and uncertainty right out of the show. The Doctor tries to bring her equally boring boyfriend back from the dead just because she wants him to, rather than being legitimate when he told her to go to hell after the stunt she had pulled. Gallifrey maybe might still exist just because Clara cried. Etc. etc. So her own TARDIS? Really? Was forcing her into the lore as the person who originally told the Doctor and Susan what TARDIS they should take not enough? For me, that's just the cherry on the shit cake.

      Obviously you're welcome to disagree; such is the nature of civilized discourse. Enough people like her, or at least tolerate her, that the show hasn't been cancelled yet. But I simply don't have the heart to follow it anymore. Watching Season 8 was a chore, and the only reason I have even an infinitesimally tiny interest in watching Season 9 is because of Maisie Williams' guest appearance. Doctor Who just isn't for me anymore, it seems. Which is a bummer, because I used to adore it.

  27. Thank you! This pretty much sums up most of the reasons I just could not warm to her character. Her super fast talking, never stumbling or uncertain about anything, felt like I was watching a chipper female version of Sherlock (in fact, Moffat's Sherlock tendencies really bleed into Eleven and Clara. The same narcissistic "lecturer" personality.)

    And her hysterical moment with the TARDIS keys?! I'm sorry, but the Doctor should have cut all ties with her right then and there. In that moment she showed herself to be emotionally unstable and untrustworthy.

    I'll also ad that her daily life felt plastic, like hollywood unrealistic. She was a nanny, and yet this working class position didn't show itself on her in any way. Not her accent, her clothes, he behavior. Rose Tyler's background was reinforced by everything, it was SHOWN. Clara is classic hollywood telling us someone is broke and then showing them living a very not-broke lifestyle.

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  29. Finally someone said it. Thank you. I am rewatching DW and this chick is killing me. Like seriously killing me right now with HER holier-than-thou attitude with the Doctor. I understand they wanted to make a good nice hand off of this "impossible girl" from Matt Smith to Capaldi but come on. Whom are you kidding? The Doctor is afraid and SHE has to help me. She is the one telling Doctor that fear is the constant companion. Oh! Sister please. They made your character this important to the last living Time freaking Lord is the biggest constant fear and disgust is what is my constant companion. Amy was far more brave and had more balls and bragging rights than what you will ever get even if you played Doctor's companion from all Doctors. Did you see how she insisted on getting a compliment on whether she was a good Doctor in "Flatlines"?? OHHH I HATE THIS CHARACTER AND EVeRYTHING SHE STANDS FOR. FOREVER. I hate her face. I hate her smug attitude. I HATE CLARA OSWALD. Period.

  30. You're right. She's so perfect, important, Mary Sue to intinity and beyond and bored, really, really bored. For me, Moffat screw the show, a lot, but she was his ... perfection. Abd Jenna Coleman help him, i don't like her, no for the rol, but a good actress love challenge and when the chara is defiant better, when is not only "perfect", when the rol is human, with weakness and problems, Karen with Amy has a lot of fun when Amy learn a lesson, i hate the first Amy, like i said, Moffat screw thw show in so many ways with fantastics actors, but include sex winks in the show with Amy? i hate that, was no real but at least Amy can grown up like Donna, Sarah Jane, Mickey, Jack, Rory, Martha and Rose, even the family of al them are credibles! But, perfect life, perfect rol Clara? The show must be call "Clara Who" so, yes, cheers for this entry and tell the truth!
