Saturday, September 7, 2013

On the merits of significant others being other species.

So I'm in the process of watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, a show I kind of sort of watched in middle school, but never finished or saw 100% of.
I come to the episode where Buffy and Cordelia are kidnapped by some frat boys and almost fed to a giant snake played by the guy who voices the Medic in Team Fortress 2, (No, for real, that's him under all that makeup--watch the credits!). The rest of the Scooby Gang are outside the frat house, and realize that Cordelia's car is still there so she and Buffy must still be inside. Angel flips a minor fuck and vamps out when he realizes they must be doing something to Buffy, because love and stuff.

This would be vamping out. Semi-Klingon face with eyebrows nowhere to be found. 

So he starts kicking some very serious frat boy ass, all the while making lion-level roaring sounds, (anyone else ever notice that about vampire growls in Buffy?). At the end of the episode, after the day is saved because it always is because Buffy is a bad-ass, Willow tells Buffy how it was kind of awesome how Angel went all "Grrr!" when he knew she was in danger and muses that not many guys can do that. I would have to agree with Willow that it is kind of romantic, because I am a sci-fi and fantasy dork and my idea of romance was skewed long ago. I told Clinton of this and he smirked.

"Do you wish I could do that?" he asked.
"Do I wish you were a 241-year-old vampire? No, not really. A 900-year-old Time Lord, though....maybe." (Because any conversation the two of us have has a 57.42% chance of coming back to Doctor Who). 
"I could be," he says, "I may just not remember."
"That's true, you could have used your Genesis Ark for some reason, and become human. You have a pocket watch, don't you?"
"Have you opened it any time recently?"
"I don't believe that I have."
We both smile at each other because love and stuff. 
"You know, though," Clinton continues, "If I were a Time Lord, and I opened the watch, the personality that you know would be gone. I wouldn't really be me anymore."
I consider this. "Fair point, but when the Doctor becomes the Doctor again, he tells Joan that everything that John Smith was is a part of him, and that he's still in there. But I guess that means your current personality would only be one part of you, and I'd suddenly have other parts to contend with and who knows how I'd feel about them."
"So it's probably best if I don't open my pocket watch, then." 
I continue, "You know though, in both of those cases, you'd basically be immortal. And I wouldn't be. I'd still get old and wrinkly and you'd never really die. I don't know how I feel about that."
"Yeah, but I would still love you."
And you know what? I don't doubt that he would. He's weird like that. 

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